Projects I've built trying to advance human (and machine) kind.
I've worked on tons of projects during my time as a developer, but these are my favorite. Some of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.
A digital reputation management platform designed to get your business more reviews.
AI Personality Coach
A coach that understands your personality and helps you improve your life.
Vitae Digital Credentials
This application allows users to create, issue, receive, delete, and revoke ERC-721 standard NFTs that serve as digital credentials.
Trading Bot 9000
Deep learning trading bot. Built with AWS and Binance trade API. Utilizes LSTM neural networks to make price predictions for cryptocurrencies.
Correlation Analyzer
Application to compare economic sectors and macro indicators to make better investment decisions.